When I clone the source (Git hash: 4cbcac89e85eb03c9cf31ad4162e729db69a596f) and run the tests 95 of the tests fails.
I have not analyzed all of them, just picked the first: AddingDataSet:
Test Name: AddingDataSet
Test FullName: ClosedXML_Tests.Examples.MiscTests.AddingDataSet
Test Source: c:\Git\closedxml\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\ClosedXML_Tests\Examples\MiscTests.cs : line 12
Test Outcome: Failed
Test Duration: 0:00:00.972
Result Message:
Actual file 'C:\Git\closedxml\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\ClosedXML_Tests\bin\Debug\Examples\Misc\AddingDataSet.xlsx' is different than the expected file 'Misc.AddingDataSet.xlsx'. The difference is: '/xl/styles.xml :NonEqual
/xl/worksheets/sheet.xml :NonEqual
/xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml :NonEqual
/xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml :NonEqual
Expected: True
But was: False
Result StackTrace:
at ClosedXML_Tests.TestHelper.RunTestExample[T](String filePartName) in c:\Git\closedxml\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\ClosedXML_Tests\TestHelper.cs:line 83
at ClosedXML_Tests.Examples.MiscTests.AddingDataSet() in c:\Git\closedxml\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\ClosedXML_Tests\Examples\MiscTests.cs:line 13
I unpacked the ClosedXML_Tests\bin\Debug\Examples\Misc\AddingDataSet.xlsx and ClosedXML_Tests\Resource\Examples\Misc\AddingDataSet.xlsx by renaming them to zip, unpacking and then comparing them.
In /xl/styles.xml applyNumberFormat="1" is in the Debug... and applyNumberFormat="0" in the Resource...
The same with applyAlignment="1" vs applyAlignment="0".
In /xl/worksheets/sheet.xml and /xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml and /xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml there is the same difference
<x:col min="4" max="4" width="9.4906250000000014" style="0" customWidth="1" /> in Debug... and
<x:col min="4" max="4" width="9.830625" style="0" customWidth="1" /> in Resource...
Any ideas what might be wrong?
I tried changing locale to both en-US and en-GB without success, but since there are no textual differences in the files I suppose that would not be the case anyway.
Seems something in the environment could be the issue. But what?
Framework/OS version? Screen resolution?
I attached the output from the test written to C:\Git\closedxml\ClosedXML\ClosedXML\ClosedXML_Tests\bin\Debug\Examples\Misc\AddingDataSet.xlsx
Comments: I made a few other pull request for minor issues with the tests.
Now I can get all test to pass on all machines I have access to.
I hope I don't create a to big mess with pull requests depending on each other.
Just apply the pull requests in the order submitted and they should work OK.
Please notify me if there is any trouble with merging and I can make a unified pull request.
Sorry for the number of pull requests, but I prefer to make smaller pull requests with one clear purpose in each.