Evaluating Formulas
If you call cell.Value ClosedXML will try to resolve the formula and give you the result.
For example:
var wb = new XLWorkbook();
var ws = wb.AddWorksheet("Sheet1");
ws.Cell("C1").FormulaA1 = "\"The total value is: \" & SUM(A1:B2)";
var r = ws.Cell("C1").Value;
Assert.AreEqual("The total value is: 4", r.ToString());
// It also works if you use: ws.Cell("C1").GetString()
You can even resolve your own formulas without using cells. For Example:
If you're not referencing a worksheet you can use:
var sum = XLWorkbook.EvaluateExpr("SUM(1,2,3)");
// sum = 6
// SUM(Sheet1!A1:B2) will fail because it doesn't know which workbook to use
If you're not referencing a range without a worksheet you can use:
var sum = workbook.Evaluate("SUM(Sheet1!A1:B2)");
// SUM(A1:B2) will fail because it doesn't know which sheet to use
If you have the worksheet you can evaluate at your heart's content:
var sum = worksheet.Evaluate("SUM(A1:B2)");
Very important:
- Not all formulas are included and you'll probably get a nasty error if the formula isn't supported or if there's an error in the formula. Please test your formulas before going to production.
- I'm adding new formulas all the time but if your formula isn't included please let me know via the Issue Tracker. I'll do my best to include the formula asap.
Supported functions
ce.RegisterFunction("DATE", 3, Date); // Returns the serial number of a particular date
ce.RegisterFunction("DATEVALUE", 1, Datevalue); // Converts a date in the form of text to a serial number
ce.RegisterFunction("DAY", 1, Day); // Converts a serial number to a day of the month
ce.RegisterFunction("DAYS360", 2, 3, Days360); // Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
ce.RegisterFunction("EDATE", 2, Edate); // Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date
ce.RegisterFunction("EOMONTH", 2, Eomonth); // Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months
ce.RegisterFunction("HOUR", 1, Hour); // Converts a serial number to an hour
ce.RegisterFunction("MINUTE", 1, Minute); // Converts a serial number to a minute
ce.RegisterFunction("MONTH", 1, Month); // Converts a serial number to a month
ce.RegisterFunction("NETWORKDAYS", 2, 3, Networkdays); // Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates
ce.RegisterFunction("NOW", 0, Now); // Returns the serial number of the current date and time
ce.RegisterFunction("SECOND", 1, Second); // Converts a serial number to a second
ce.RegisterFunction("TIME", 3, Time); // Returns the serial number of a particular time
ce.RegisterFunction("TIMEVALUE", 1, Timevalue); // Converts a time in the form of text to a serial number
ce.RegisterFunction("TODAY", 0, Today); // Returns the serial number of today's date
ce.RegisterFunction("WEEKDAY", 1, 2, Weekday); // Converts a serial number to a day of the week
ce.RegisterFunction("WEEKNUM", 1, 2, Weeknum); // Converts a serial number to a number representing where the week falls numerically with a year
ce.RegisterFunction("WORKDAY", 2, 3, Workday); // Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays
ce.RegisterFunction("YEAR", 1, Year); // Converts a serial number to a year
ce.RegisterFunction("YEARFRAC", 2, 3, Yearfrac); // Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start
date and enddate
ce.RegisterFunction("AND", 1, int.MaxValue, And);
ce.RegisterFunction("OR", 1, int.MaxValue, Or);
ce.RegisterFunction("NOT", 1, Not);
ce.RegisterFunction("IF", 3, If);
ce.RegisterFunction("TRUE", 0, True);
ce.RegisterFunction("FALSE", 0, False);
ce.RegisterFunction("ABS", 1, Abs);
ce.RegisterFunction("ACOS", 1, Acos);
ce.RegisterFunction("ACOSH", 1, Acosh);
ce.RegisterFunction("ASIN", 1, Asin);
ce.RegisterFunction("ASINH", 1, Asinh);
ce.RegisterFunction("ATAN", 1, Atan);
ce.RegisterFunction("ATAN2", 2, Atan2);
ce.RegisterFunction("ATANH", 1, Atanh);
ce.RegisterFunction("CEILING", 1, Ceiling);
ce.RegisterFunction("COMBIN", 2, Combin);
ce.RegisterFunction("COS", 1, Cos);
ce.RegisterFunction("COSH", 1, Cosh);
ce.RegisterFunction("DEGREES", 1, Degrees);
ce.RegisterFunction("EVEN", 1, Even);
ce.RegisterFunction("EXP", 1, Exp);
ce.RegisterFunction("FACT", 1, Fact);
ce.RegisterFunction("FACTDOUBLE", 1, FactDouble);
ce.RegisterFunction("FLOOR", 1, Floor);
ce.RegisterFunction("GCD", 1, 255, Gcd);
ce.RegisterFunction("INT", 1, Int);
ce.RegisterFunction("LCM", 1, 255, Lcm);
ce.RegisterFunction("LN", 1, Ln);
ce.RegisterFunction("LOG", 1, 2, Log);
ce.RegisterFunction("LOG10", 1, Log10);
ce.RegisterFunction("MDETERM", 1, MDeterm);
ce.RegisterFunction("MINVERSE", 1, MInverse);
ce.RegisterFunction("MMULT", 2, MMult);
ce.RegisterFunction("MOD", 2, Mod);
ce.RegisterFunction("MROUND", 2, MRound);
ce.RegisterFunction("MULTINOMIAL", 1, 255, Multinomial);
ce.RegisterFunction("ODD", 1, Odd);
ce.RegisterFunction("PI", 0, Pi);
ce.RegisterFunction("POWER", 2, Power);
ce.RegisterFunction("PRODUCT", 1, 255, Product);
ce.RegisterFunction("QUOTIENT", 2, Quotient);
ce.RegisterFunction("RADIANS", 1, Radians);
ce.RegisterFunction("RAND", 0, Rand);
ce.RegisterFunction("RANDBETWEEN", 2, RandBetween);
ce.RegisterFunction("ROMAN", 1, 2, Roman);
ce.RegisterFunction("ROUND", 2, Round);
ce.RegisterFunction("ROUNDDOWN", 2, RoundDown);
ce.RegisterFunction("ROUNDUP", 1, 2, RoundUp);
ce.RegisterFunction("SERIESSUM", 4, SeriesSum);
ce.RegisterFunction("SIGN", 1, Sign);
ce.RegisterFunction("SIN", 1, Sin);
ce.RegisterFunction("SINH", 1, Sinh);
ce.RegisterFunction("SQRT", 1, Sqrt);
ce.RegisterFunction("SQRTPI", 1, SqrtPi);
ce.RegisterFunction("SUBTOTAL", 2, 255, Subtotal);
ce.RegisterFunction("SUM", 1, int.MaxValue, Sum);
ce.RegisterFunction("SUMIF", 2, 3, SumIf);
ce.RegisterFunction("SUMSQ", 1, 255, SumSq);
ce.RegisterFunction("TAN", 1, Tan);
ce.RegisterFunction("TANH", 1, Tanh);
ce.RegisterFunction("TRUNC", 1, Trunc);
ce.RegisterFunction("AVERAGE", 1, int.MaxValue, Average);
ce.RegisterFunction("AVERAGEA", 1, int.MaxValue, AverageA);
ce.RegisterFunction("COUNT", 1, int.MaxValue, Count);
ce.RegisterFunction("COUNTA", 1, int.MaxValue, CountA);
ce.RegisterFunction("COUNTBLANK", 1, int.MaxValue, CountBlank);
ce.RegisterFunction("COUNTIF", 2, CountIf);
ce.RegisterFunction("MAX", 1, int.MaxValue, Max);
ce.RegisterFunction("MAXA", 1, int.MaxValue, MaxA);
ce.RegisterFunction("MIN", 1, int.MaxValue, Min);
ce.RegisterFunction("MINA", 1, int.MaxValue, MinA);
ce.RegisterFunction("STDEV", 1, int.MaxValue, StDev);
ce.RegisterFunction("STDEVA", 1, int.MaxValue, StDevA);
ce.RegisterFunction("STDEVP", 1, int.MaxValue, StDevP);
ce.RegisterFunction("STDEVPA", 1, int.MaxValue, StDevPA);
ce.RegisterFunction("VAR", 1, int.MaxValue, Var);
ce.RegisterFunction("VARA", 1, int.MaxValue, VarA);
ce.RegisterFunction("VARP", 1, int.MaxValue, VarP);
ce.RegisterFunction("VARPA", 1, int.MaxValue, VarPA);
ce.RegisterFunction("ASC", 1, Asc); // Changes full-width (double-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to half-width (single-byte) characters
ce.RegisterFunction("CHAR", 1, _Char); // Returns the character specified by the code number
ce.RegisterFunction("CLEAN", 1, Clean); // Removes all nonprintable characters from text
ce.RegisterFunction("CODE", 1, Code); // Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string
ce.RegisterFunction("CONCATENATE", 1, int.MaxValue, Concat); // Joins several text items into one text item
ce.RegisterFunction("DOLLAR", 1, 2, Dollar); // Converts a number to text, using the $ (dollar) currency format
ce.RegisterFunction("EXACT", 2, Exact); // Checks to see if two text values are identical
ce.RegisterFunction("FIND", 2, 3, Find); //Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive)
ce.RegisterFunction("FIXED", 1, 3, Fixed); // Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals
ce.RegisterFunction("LEFT", 1, 2, Left); // LEFTB Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
ce.RegisterFunction("LEN", 1, Len); //, Returns the number of characters in a text string
ce.RegisterFunction("LOWER", 1, Lower); // Converts text to lowercase
ce.RegisterFunction("MID", 3, Mid); // Returns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify
ce.RegisterFunction("PROPER", 1, Proper); // Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value
ce.RegisterFunction("REPLACE", 4, Replace); // Replaces characters within text
ce.RegisterFunction("REPT", 2, Rept); // Repeats text a given number of times
ce.RegisterFunction("RIGHT", 1, 2, Right); // Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
ce.RegisterFunction("SEARCH", 2, Search); // Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive)
ce.RegisterFunction("SUBSTITUTE", 3, 4, Substitute); // Substitutes new text for old text in a text string
ce.RegisterFunction("T", 1, T); // Converts its arguments to text
ce.RegisterFunction("TEXT", 2, _Text); // Formats a number and converts it to text
ce.RegisterFunction("TRIM", 1, Trim); // Removes spaces from text
ce.RegisterFunction("UPPER", 1, Upper); // Converts text to uppercase
ce.RegisterFunction("VALUE", 1, Value); // Converts a text argument to a number
ce.RegisterFunction("HYPERLINK", 1, Hyperlink);