I have pick up the latest souce, and try copy worksheet to another workbook.
So,I created a new and clear workbook and copy the worksheet which I created by manual.
Then I found the result file's style is different between the source file.
like, some colomns auto create some backcolor or some cell auto create thier borders , and
this is not the supposed work.
I put my demo here:
I'm sorry recently I have put forward a lot of problems . :-D
I have pick up the latest souce, and try copy worksheet to another workbook.
So,I created a new and clear workbook and copy the worksheet which I created by manual.
Then I found the result file's style is different between the source file.
like, some colomns auto create some backcolor or some cell auto create thier borders , and
this is not the supposed work.
I put my demo here:
I'm sorry recently I have put forward a lot of problems . :-D