I finding issues in inserting conditional formulas in closed xml.
For Example:
If I want to insert following formula into excel sheet
=IF(A1 > 0, Yes, No)
It appears as =IF(A1 > 0 ; Yes ; No) which is not supported in Microsoft Excel. It says formula is corrupt.
Can anyone help me??
Thanks for the reply MDeLeon...
I even tried this. But the actual problem is SetFormulaA1 method is replacing the ","(Comma) with ";"(Semicolon) in the syntax while inserting the formula into the excel sheet, which is wrong in MS Excel.
What I am getting from SetFormulaA1: IF(A1>0; TRUE; FALSE) //this doenst work in MS excel
MS Excel Syntax: IF(A1>0, TRUE, FALSE)
How to get the formula as it is...
Comments: What's your locale?
I finding issues in inserting conditional formulas in closed xml.
For Example:
If I want to insert following formula into excel sheet
=IF(A1 > 0, Yes, No)
It appears as =IF(A1 > 0 ; Yes ; No) which is not supported in Microsoft Excel. It says formula is corrupt.
Can anyone help me??
Thanks for the reply MDeLeon...
I even tried this. But the actual problem is SetFormulaA1 method is replacing the ","(Comma) with ";"(Semicolon) in the syntax while inserting the formula into the excel sheet, which is wrong in MS Excel.
What I am getting from SetFormulaA1: IF(A1>0; TRUE; FALSE) //this doenst work in MS excel
MS Excel Syntax: IF(A1>0, TRUE, FALSE)
How to get the formula as it is...
Comments: What's your locale?