I have an issue, i'm working with MS Dynamics AX 2009.
I need to apply a border style, but the values for the XLBorderStyleValues enum aren't showing up.
I believe it should be like this:
style = cellrange.get_Style();
border = style.get_Border();
but it won't let me compile and gives a syntax error.
I noticed that some methods weren't available in MS Dynamics AX compared to c# environment.
Comments: I found the solution. One of the limitation in IntelliSense in MS Dynamics is that it does not support auto displaying the .NET enumeration value. Luckily there is a useful method called ClrInterop::parseClrEnum(_clrEnumTypeName, _enumValues), which you can convert a string of the .NET enum value to a CLRInterop object. So my code is like this: ``` style = cellrange.get_Style(); border = style.get_Border(); borderstyle = ClrInterop::parseClrEnum('ClosedXML.Excel.XLBorderStyleValues', 'Thin'); border.set_OutsideBorderColor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLColor::get_Black()); ```
I have an issue, i'm working with MS Dynamics AX 2009.
I need to apply a border style, but the values for the XLBorderStyleValues enum aren't showing up.
I believe it should be like this:
style = cellrange.get_Style();
border = style.get_Border();
but it won't let me compile and gives a syntax error.
I noticed that some methods weren't available in MS Dynamics AX compared to c# environment.
Comments: I found the solution. One of the limitation in IntelliSense in MS Dynamics is that it does not support auto displaying the .NET enumeration value. Luckily there is a useful method called ClrInterop::parseClrEnum(_clrEnumTypeName, _enumValues), which you can convert a string of the .NET enum value to a CLRInterop object. So my code is like this: ``` style = cellrange.get_Style(); border = style.get_Border(); borderstyle = ClrInterop::parseClrEnum('ClosedXML.Excel.XLBorderStyleValues', 'Thin'); border.set_OutsideBorderColor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLColor::get_Black()); ```