I appreciate your response but not exactly what i am looking for. Aligning the texts to the right will simply have no difference. columns 18-23 are time values and what I want is that when it is inside the cells, it has a formula i.e.
when hours > 24, the formula will be 1/(2++)/1900 then the time.
but if hours < 24, only the time will be idsplayed in the formula. no date of 1/1/1900.
roberttanenbaum wrote:
when hours > 24, the formula will be 1/(2++)/1900 then the time.
but if hours < 24, only the time will be idsplayed in the formula. no date of 1/1/1900.
roberttanenbaum wrote:
If you want to align the values in those columns to the right, choose columns 18 through 23 and do the following
worksheet.Columns(18,23).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right;